LED Wall

Whether it's an event or a fixed installation, we can offer the solution that best suits your company.

LED screens have conquered all market variants.

Supported by premium LED display production and solutions brands, our clients can count on their projects with cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas.

Broadcast Installation

Whether big or small, the journey of each project starts way before we arrive on-site.

Our team aims to create and implement smart solutions, adapted to the reality of each business. For this, we work in partnership with our customers so that the result is always beyond initial expectations.

XR Studios

Virtual scenes allows background manipulation and overcomes the constraints of real world – what used to be impossible, now it’s totally achievable.

Creation and switching virtual scenes, while modifying and adjusting the scene content in real time 

Substantially reduces costs of time and money, offering a fully immersive experience.

Customised & Creative

We offer customised solutions, with innovative and creative integrated audiovisual systems and control systems.

We’ll bring your ideas to life.